Welcome to
the portal to :
==> AchardWeb-Art
(own work)
(Nico Vrielink and others)
==> Expositions
==> AchardWeb-Family
and up-coming new activities.
NEWS FLASH.............:
-0- Daphne heeft
een eigen website !!!
Klik : www.daphne.achard.nl
-1- JAN 2008 : Part of
the paintings and work of the "wHere is Here" project are now
on (semi permanent) display at Cafe TINT. The
student centre for spirituality & personal growth
of the Eindhoven University
-2- EDIT 2007was a
We had a lot of interest, an I see it as a
compliment that some people stayed in our area
for 45 minutes to discuss with us and other
I am proud to say that we have been selected
to show our work on this years edition of EDIT.
With "We" I mean Me and my daughters Daphne
and Veerle.
EDIT is a cultural festival in the centre of
Eindhoven in unused factory buildings.
For details and the full program see: www.editeindhoven.nl
To guarantee the quality and the
broad spectrum of the event, this year there was a strickt selection
by representatives of the following cultural
institutions in Eindhoven:
The Van Abbe Museum, Theaterplan, PopEi,
All the more reason why we are proud to be
Now for the content:
Our proposal is the theme project "wHere is Here"
Read all
about this project in the latest news
Pictures of
the event will be posted soon
-3- I made a
painting for the Website www.Eden4All.nl
This website intends to
be a platform for positive action, based on
Respect (for life)
, Compassion and Solidarity, with the vision:
planet can be Eden for all of us.
This painting has been shown
(end of 2006) at the chapel of the ESK for 3 weekends in a
People were generous to
donate for streetchildren in Soweto (South Africa)
-4- I have
participated in the group-exhibition on the EDIT
festival in Eindhoven
This festival was held in an old
unused factory building during the
Weekend of June
9-11th 2006
My paintings for
this exhibition can be seen at THIS
Photographs of
the preparations and the other paintings here
For streaming
video of the band playing at the opening: here
& here
For more info on EDIT
follow this link: www.EDITEindhoven.nl
Have fun!
Hans d'Achard van Enschut, Oct-2008
for reactions & questions mail to : hans@achard.nl